Ep 03: Shower The People


Ruthie Ridley! No description is going to do this woman justice… but I will try. She is a wife of 12 years to her husband Ben, who was born in England and Ruthie in Jamaica. Together they have 3 incredible first generation American children Ava, Savannah and Judah. Ruthie also works 40 hours a week as a registered nurse, as well as co-hosts a podcast (My Girl Podcast). If you didn’t think this was enough, she shares her affordable fashion finds, faith and inspiration on her blog and instagram @ruthieridley! All together, Ruthie is a stylish 5 foot 1 ball of energy and advocate of joy! 

I shared my love for journaling with Ruthie and how I felt like podcasts are a form of digital journaling and how I wanted her words to be a part of our children’s future. Words that they can learn from and live by… you see, because Ruthie is a black woman married to a white Police Officer. She has a perspective and a narrative that not a lot of people have. We discuss humanity and how to teach our children to see color and appreciate color. We talk about reformation of the police force and her fight for justice, but also pro law enforcement. 

If nothing else, I hope that after listening to this podcast you will feel the peace that Ruthie carries with her.

Today we are adding Shower The People by James Taylor to our playlist.


Ep 04: Anthem


Ep 02: Like A Dream