About me?

Oof. From social settings to “about me” pages, I continually face an internal battle of “share anything and everything” to “why waste your time sharing anything at all… nobody cares.” The conclusion I’ve come to is just this… someone cares. It may be just ONE person and that one person may be my mom, but if you have a voice, then there is always an ear to hear. So here is my voice:


I am Lex Brinton, formally known as Alexa Walker (got married and dropped the A’s on Alexa just before all of the Amazon speakers were created). I grew up in Boise, Idaho with 5 older sisters and a younger brother. My parents offered us a rich childhood of experience, opportunities and road trips to all 49 states (+ a flight to Hawaii)… ultimately paving the way for my future in travel entrepreneurship and documentation. I spent the majority of my youth experimenting with film and editing, only to go on and get a degree in film and broadcasting. I interned in Boston at the ABC news station and had a glove compartment full of hand written Mapquest directions on how to navigate around the east coast.


I often look back on my childhood (now that i’m a mom of three) and reprimand my parents for allowing me to move cross country by myself at age 20 or to take my first road trip when I had just turned 16 or for dropping me off downtown at bars/clubs for rock shows when I was only 14! My mom always reminds me that her and my dad didn’t have a choice… I always just told them what I was going to do and did it. Well, I guess it paid off, because I met my now husband at one of those “rock shows” and we’ve been married since 2010.

We had a four year courtship while he continued touring and I finished up college. We got married, started our own film business on our honeymoon and quickly moved to Southern California where we lived for 9 beautiful years by the beach. Life was pretty idyllic… I mean, not all the circumstances were idyllic (health scares, stolen car, flooded house, miscarriage, high risk pregnancies, child surgeries, marital issues, depression, audits, financial strains, health insurance nightmares, physical therapy, stolen camera equipment, more child surgeries, lost friends, etc etc ETC)! Talk about putting it on my tab.


2020 we decided to give up our sunny CA life and move to Idaho. At a certain point in life you realize that family means more than the beach (harsh realization). So here I sit. In a nearly finished remodeled home, at age 34, having experienced A LOT… so why not share those experiences with others and have them share theirs with me!

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The faces behind the names that I speak of the most.

Loren (the husband), Arrow (the oldest), Louie (the middle child) and Valley (the baby). To learn more about me and them, visit my instagram that I update maybe once a month @lexbrinton.